Tuesday, February 23, 2010

better late than never...8 months!

alright, alright...i am way late on this post. shame on me. miss addy mae is now 8 months old as of last friday, the 19th! can you believe it? i can't.
let's see...what is she up to these days? e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. and by everything, i mean everything. she is now a professional crawler--fast as can be. she gets where she wants to in a flash. if addy is awake, we better be on our toes. her favorite thing to play with is duke's food. (as you may have noticed in the previous blog!) luckily, duke is one patient big brother. he has really grown to love his little sister. it's very sweet, really. if he hears her upset, crying, or fussing, he will try to console her with a little kiss on the head. he still isn't quite sure how to play with her yet, so he sticks to kisses.

what else is she up to? babbling. bu bu bu bu bu bu baaaaaaaa!!! all we hear from her. and we love it! so dang cute and so much fun to "chat" back to her. she has also become notorious for letting out a few "wails" at times. our valentine's day lunch was at our favorite sushi bar. she was great, chatting, playing etc. as we were gathering our things (bc we all know that once a baby is added to the equation, you suddenly are carrying tons of "crap" with you everywhere you go.), baby girl let out this huge shrieking wail with a big ole smile on her face. it silenced the place. this little girl won't be short on personality. :)

in the past few days, she has learned how to pull up. she looks so grown up standing there. when did my baby become not so small?

adelynn is also now eating a lot more variety. veggies, fruit, meats, crackers, and breads. its still new to her, but i think she is diggin' it! addy now has 5 teeth! 2 on the bottom and 3 on top. makes for the cutest smile! she has also recently turned into a major mama's girl. when she wants her mommy, better get out of the way--no one else will suffice. i hear other mom's gripe about this phase in their childrens' lives, but i don't feel that way. i love that she loves me so much. makes my heart smile.

life is good with our little one. more in love with her every day. :)

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