Well hello, blog world, its been while. Since my last post, there have been a few "happenings" around these parts.
First off, I'm proud say that we have a potty trained little girl living under our roof!! Yippeee!! For the past three weeks, Miss Addy has been in "big girl panties". I decided one Saturday morning a few weeks back that she was going to put some panties on and no diaper. We were going to be home and it was a long weekend so I thought what better time to try? She ate it up! Granted, we had been working towards this moment for quite some time to little avail...to the point that I was thinking, "Is this ever going to happen?". Lol. Our girl was not only ready, but so proud to be a "big girl"! With the new panties (...and let me tell ya, there are a lot...Dora the Explorere, Minnie Mouse, Disney Princesses, Disney Fairies...laawwwdy...) came a newfound "Miss Independent" stubborn streak. There have been a few more timeouts happening at school and home. We are working through it though--doing our best to say consistent. She is much more of a decisive person than I am--no doubt about it, she knows what she wants. End of story.

Next change is our new car...last weekend we turned in our Rav4 for a Jeep Rubicon 4 door 4x4. Its pretty cool. Dusty and I have actually been dreaming and talking about this car for a couple years now. It feels like us. It fits us. Some of y'all may remember my FJ Cruiser years ago...when I had to give that up when mommyhood entered the picture, I was inconsolable. Well this Jeep puts the smile right back on my face. We are taking it out on some trails this weekend...hopefully they are open, been a lot of snow up in the hills lately.

Finally, we bought our tickets to come home this summer!!!!!!!! Addy and I will be heading back to TEXAS on June 21st...Dusty will be heading out July 1st. Addy and I get to stay much longer--until July 25th--but due to work, Dusty will only be there a week. Little time is better than no time, right?! I cannot wait to kiss that Texas soil. I cannot wait to hug my family. I cannot wait to be with my HEROES family. I cannot wait for some brisket and Shiner Bock beer. I cannot wait to see those big Texas blue skies. I cannot wait!! 103 days!