Tuesday, September 29, 2009
happy anniversary
Monday, September 28, 2009
survived day 1.
school was good. i was so thrilled to see my kids. i had one say, "ms. leslie, i thought i lost you." isn't that precious?! another one gave me a kiss on the cheek! they made me feel so good to be back with them. i was also warmly welcomed by everyone in the building...other teachers giving me hugs telling me welcome back and asking how i was doing. it felt great. it reminded me of why i LOVE where i work so much. it really is so much like a little family.
all in all it was a successful day. i am tired. a different kind of tired. and i miss my little one. i might just watch her sleep tonite. :)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work i go
i will miss my little ray of sunshine so much. wish me luck. i'm gonna need it. ;)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
last day with my daughter...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Mommy's Role
Mother's Role - Super Hero
The other day at work, one of my clients asked me what powers I would have if I was a super hero. With out hesitation I told her I was already a super hero. She started laughing and asked why. To which I responded I grow babies and I make milk. Those are super powers. Everyone in the salon stopped and looked at me like I was insane.
Since then I have not been able to stop thinking about it. A mother's role really is a super hero. I have many super powers. Many more than just growing babies and making milk, all though, those alone would be super enough. The more I've thought about it, the more I am inspired by a mother's role. We don't just change diapers and clean up messes. We change lives. We bring comfort and security. We save the day. Isn't that what the comic book super hero's do?
I have already mentioned my ability to grow babies and make milk, but here are some of my other super powers, that I am sure I share with many other super moms.
~I have the ability to calm a fussing baby just by looking at her, I can then make the now calm baby smile and laugh just by smiling at her. All this without even touching her.
~I can make booboo's stop hurting with a kiss.
~I can fix toys.
~I can reach really far under the couch to get lost toys.
~I can carry a wiggly infant and a ginormous toddler and walk speedily to any destination.
~I can change diapers in the dark with my eyes closed. (I may even be asleep during this.)
~I have x-ray vision, I can see things behind me and in other rooms. Which allows me to bust a toddler for naughty and/or dangerous behavior.
~I have super hearing, which aides the above mentioned busting.
~I can feed the kids, do laundry, work on the computer and pick up the house all at the same time.
~I can breastfeed one baby while chasing the other.
~I can make anything scary not scary with a hug.
~Touching me at all makes things safer and easier.
~I can keep a busy toddler happily entertained for more than two hours in the Doctor office waiting room.
~I know the answer to all questions (so far, and I'll google it when I don't)
~I love them even when they are screaming/crying/puking/pooping
~I can run faster than a speeding bullet when my child is in danger.
~I can leap tall buildings, fences, security gates and just about anything else that stands between me and babies.
~I am stronger than ten men when the situation needs it.
~I can decipher my infants cries and know exactly what she wants.
I am sure that as my children grow older and continue to multiply, I will find more super powers that I possess. A mother's role is the greatest job on earth. It has brought me so much joy and happiness. I have found new strengths and talents I never even knew I had. It makes me feel strong and powerful. It is up to me to raise these kids, to mold their lives. I just hope I can live up to such a task.
So here is to all the Super Moms out there. We are the greatest Super Hero's there are.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Welcome to the world, Ruston!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
some pics from the week! :)
Look closely...she actually grabbed a toy on her playmat! Well...to be honest...I put it in her palm and she grasped it-held on for a solid 3 or 4 minutes!
Change the subject...but, take a look at what is in my garage!
Jealous? You should be! Hah! This is my Grandpa's original 1955 Chevy. He has left it in Dusty's care to work on it and put it in some shows. Isn't it purty?!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Getting closer to the end...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
California Dreamin'...
It was time to leave town the next morning and head back to Texas. We had a great time, but were ready to come back to our life. Addy did pretty good with all the traveling...3 hour car ride to the airport...4 more hours in a plane with 2 stops...and then 30 more min to get to our house. She was a little trooper! Can't wait to take her back out there!
Thank you Grandma Toni for opening your home to us while we there and taking such great care of us. We love you and miss you already!
Here is one last pic of Addy...tell me this isn't the cutest little thang you have ever laid your eyes on!!!