so i haven't written much lately...maybe should say a little sumthin' in addition to all the videos! let's see...miss addy is 5 1/2 months old. she is becoming more and more active everyday, and she has gotten SO much fun to play with. i must say that i do believe i have the coolest baby around--what a mellow little chick she is turning out to be. ;) she started solids this week at only once a day, but will be beginning them at breakfast and lunch at daycare on monday. she has suddenly started playing with everything around her--really becoming interested in EVERYTHING. she rolls all over the place and acts like she is getting ready to crawl any day now. tonite was her first big girl bath in the big tub--finally graduated out of the kitchen sink/ infant tub combo. here are some recent pictures of her.

we are also (obviously) getting into the christmas spirit! christmas is so much more fun and exciting when you have a little one to share it with. it is all about her. i suddenly find it way more important to have some christmas time family traditions. here are some pictures of our decorated house. (disclaimer--i know the tree is sparse and ghetto, but it was the first tree dusty and i bought when we moved in together! this its 5th christmas with us!) **this ornament says "baby's 1st--thought it was too cute to pass up!
I LOVE the picture of her in the bathtub.
Last Christmas was so much fun with Brady, and this one is shaping up to be even more fun! I have a feeling they are just going to keep getting better and better. Love your Christmas decorations!
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