i literally break down crying when i see these images on the news. how horrible it is for these animals to lose their home. there are so many needing help, and not enough people to help them quick enough.

1. why is this thing not capped yet? 52 days isn't enough?
2. i have seen numerous lay people sending in their ideas to clean up the oil. one being hay. the hay sops it up. when do these "ideas" get tested? next monday? next week?
3. bp's commercial. their ceo claims this will not need taxpayer dollars, but when bp is forced to file bankruptcy and are out of money--who will pay then? hmmm?
this summer, my family is taking our semi-annual trip to pensacola beach, florida. we are scheduled to go mid july. in the last week or so, my family has been emailing back and forth on what to do. do we cancel all together and lose a lot of money? do we put the money towards next summer? do we go anyways and stay out of the water? who knows what we will do. initially, my thoughts were somewhat selfish, i guess. i want my vacay! i want my daughter to experience the beach and the ocean!! but in the grand scheme of things, our little vacay is tiny in comparison to what is happening in our gulf...
eleven families lost loved ones 52 days ago in a tragic explosion doing their job.
what will happen to the environment? the sea life? the men and women that, up until 52 days ago, made a living in the gulf?
how will something this huge and catastrophic affect the world in which my daughter will grow up in? where do we go from here?
it is sad for so many reasons....more than just missing my summer vacation.
1 comment:
I'm sorry friend. :( I know you always look forward to that. You're right, very sad.
I just don't understand why there wasn't some "what if" plan for something like this way before it even happened.
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