Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My how things have changed...

If you recall in my last post I talked about the discomfort/ pain I was feeling with this pregnancy.  Well, it got worse.  So much so that I have spent the last two days at the doctor trying to figure out what the deal is.  After having a sonogram done this morning, it was discovered that the problem is with one of my ovaries.  My right ovary is the size of a tennis ball, double the size of my "normal" one, and causing me a lot of pain.  My doctor, whom I LOVE, called it a "mass" versus a cyst. 
What does this mean?  Because I'm into my 30th week of pregnancy, the solution isn't simple.  It needs to be removed, but how and when?  Surgery, at this point, would be risky for baby.  To take baby out at this point is still a little sketchy because we are still 10 weeks out from due date.  So, my doctor's solution is to wait as close to my due date as possible and proceed with a scheduled cesarean to get baby and then remove the entire ovary.  He tentatively scheduled this for May 15.
Additionally, I had to get even more blood work done this afternoon.  He feels like my ovary is nothing to be very alarmed about, but if there is something going on in there that is abnormal, the blood counts will tell us.  If this ends up being the case, the above plan is null and void and we will figure out a new plan.  Lol. 
WHEN the blood work comes back normal--should know definitively by tomorrow-- then we continue to wait as close to the due date as possible for the cesarean...as long as I can tolerate the pain.  I will be monitored every two weeks with sonograms and exams.  In the meantime, I am off work...not bed rest specifically, but ordered to "take it easy."  I think  I can manage that!
It really was an overwhelming visit.  Dusty couldn't be with me, so my mother in law took me.  Boy, I was glad she was there or I would have walked out of that office having heard only half of what was explained.  As we were wrapping up the visit, Toni told my doctor to "take care of our girl".  His response was this...looked at me, put his hand on my shoulder, and said "as if she were my own."  Did I mention how great my doctor is?
Update on Dusty's back:
Some of you may have known that he recently got an MRI.  The result of that MRI showed that he has two "substantial/ severe herniated discs."  He is being referred to Cedars Sinai hospital in LA...you know the one where all the celebs go to have their babies.  :-)  Surgery is a definate possibility, but we are hopeful that the doctors there will have some alternative strategies to try first.  We shall see...
Please continue to keep us in your prayers...good thoughts...whatever your chosen method is! 

1 comment:

TMac said...

Hey girlie! That is so tough, especially at this point in pregnancy. I am thinking about you and hope your blood work comes back "normal" so baby can grow in your belly a little longer. So sorry you are in pain!! Take good care! xoxo